Concerto for piano a... | Concerto for violin ...
Dagmar Baloghová, Prague Symphony Orchestra, Václav Neumann
The excursions of Mr...
Bohumír Vich, Přemysl Kočí, Hanuš Thein, Antonín Votava, Milan Karpíček, Libuše Domanínská, Helena Tattermuschová, Ivo Žídek, Jaroslava Dobrá, Chorus of the Smetana Theatre, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Václav Neumann
The excursions of Mr... | The excursions of Mr...
Karel Barman, Přemysl Kočí, Hanuš Thein, Bohumír Vich, Helena Tattermuschová, Ivo Židek, Milan Karpíšek, Libuše Domanínská, Antonín Votava, Chorus of the Smetana theatre, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Václav Neumann
Roses in the window,... | Your eyes, Pigeon ex...
Karel Krautgartner Orchestra, Karel Duba with Rhythm group, Sláva Kunst Orchestra, Gustav Brom Orchestra, Ferdinand Havlík Orchestra, Karel Vlach Orchestra, Miroslav Kefurt with Rhythm Group
Brothers Karamazov
Antonín Votava, Karel Kalaš, Václav Eremiáš, Drahomíra Tikalová, Jarmila Pechová, Antonín Zlesák, Josef Heriban, Prague National Theatre Chorus and Orchestra, Zdeněk Košler
Concerto for piano a... | Symphony No. 2 in Ci...
František Rauch, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Karel Ančerl
Fidello, Der freisch... | Nabucco, Boris Godun...
Antonín Votava, Karel Berman, Czech Singers Chorus and Orchestra of the Prague National Theatre, Václav Smetáček